Parenting After Divorce: Co-Parenting Coordination in Katonah, NY

Co-parenting is a difficult task even in good marriages, but when you factor in divorce, it can be particularly challenging. Differences of opinion can quickly turn volatile, as conflicts are fueled by old resentments and positive communication is diminished.  What’s important, however, is that both parents agree the needs of their child must come before personal conflict. If they are unable to make joint decisions in a civil manner, the need for outside help may be necessary.

Working with a skilled and experienced Parenting Coordinator can alleviate fighting between parents by helping parents to address their underlying needs and concerns while simultaneously focusing on the needs of their children.

What is Parenting Coordination?

Parent coordination is a non-confidential, child-focused process intended to help parents adjust to their new normal post-divorce, thus helping their child adjust. It is a form of dispute resolution utilized in high-conflict cases in which traditional mediation would not suffice. The methods used by a parenting coordinator encourage effective communication and help to ensure each parent is acting within the best interests of the child and complying with court orders.

Parenting Coordination Benefits Include:

  • Reducing the child’s stress and anxiety from witnessing conflict
  • Improving the co-parenting relationship
  • Educating the parents on effective communication skills
  • Observing behaviors and compliance with court orders
  • Reporting non-compliance to the lawyers
  • Improving overall parental cooperation and respect for the sake of the child

Why Work with a Parenting Coordinator Like Dr. Schrag?

Regardless of the reasons for the conflict, post-divorce research shows that children are emotionally injured when parents continue to fight with each other. A skilled parenting coordinator can help parents work around their negative attachment to one another and keep the discussion focused on the best interests of the child, whom they both love and adore.

In addition, the parenting coordinator can help address underlying issues, thereby diffusing conflict. When parents are helped to encapsulate negative emotion, good discussion can ensue and thoughtful, child-focused decisions can result.

Couples use parenting coordination in different ways. Some meet with their coordinator according to a mutually agreed upon, fixed schedule while others meet intermittently as issues arise. Regardless of the meeting schedule, Dr. Jonah Schrag can help parents protect their children from the harmful effects of divorce by enabling them to effectively resolve conflict while preserving good will.

If you believe parenting coordination may be right for you, contact Dr. Jonah Schrag today to discuss your option. You can reach out Katonah, NY office by calling 914-232-8000 today.